March 4, 2024
So, we’re running a little raffle in which you can win a sweet $250 PUMA gift card for doing various Glory-adjacent things. These are enumerated below:
- One entry for every new email subscriber;
- One entry when someone shares Boston Glory on their social media and tags us;
- Two entries when you tag a friend on Glory social media and they follow;
- Two entries for every purchase a (including tickets);
- Five entries for survey completion.
The discerning reader will discern that survey participation offers considerable bang for the buck. Said reader likely laments said survey’s non-completion (absent said reader being among the elite few to have already garnered their five lottery tickets). Modern life being hectic, the reader no doubt further despairs of the imminent March 1 deadline for survey completion, social media tagging & etc. Well, fear not discerning one, for, in its munificence, Glory management has seen fit to extend the deadline until March 15. Such forbearance is out of character and unlikely to be repeated. Immediate action is imperative.
Survey is here. Glory shop is here. Email signup is here. Social media is everywhere. That is all.